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Certificate Authentication

How to set up certificate based authentication.

This guide requires an Anka Enterprise (or higher) license

There are several different ways you can enable Certificate authentication:

  1. With the combined (controller + registry) native macOS package: You’ll edit the /usr/local/bin/anka-controllerd, enabling TLS/HTTPS (required) and then certificate authentication (with either ENVs or options/flags).
  2. With the docker package: You’ll edit the docker-compose.yml, enabling TLS/HTTPS and then certificate authentication (with ENVs).
  3. With either the controller or registry standalone: You’ll edit the proper config files, enabling TLS/HTTPS (required) and then certification authentication (with either ENVs or options/flags).

If you’re using the Enterprise Plus license, you will need to setup authorization for your certificate


  1. A Root CA certificate. For more information about CAs, see Usually provided by your organization or where you obtain your certificate signing. We will refer to this as anka-ca-crt.pem and anka-ca-key.pem throughout the guide.
  2. A certificate (signed with the Root CA) for the Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry.
  3. Certificates (signed with the Root CA) for your Anka Build Nodes so they can connect/authenticate with the Anka Build Cloud Controller & Registry.
  4. Your keys are not password protected (“encrypted”) (use openssl rsa -in <encrypted_private.key> -out <decrypted_private.key> to decrypt)

The guide will show you how to generate self-signed versions of these. If you already have certificates, you can skip the commands.

1. Create a self-signed Root CA certificate

If you don’t have a, you can create it with openssl and add it to your keychain:

cd ~
openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -days 365 -keyout anka-ca-key.pem -out anka-ca-crt.pem -subj "/O=$ORGANIZATION/OU=$ORG_UNIT/CN=$CA_CN"
# Add the Root CA to the System keychain so the Root CA is trusted and you can avoid warnings when you go to access the Controller UI; if you have a better method to do this without using the system keychain, feel free to use it
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain anka-ca-crt.pem

2. Configuring TLS for Controller & Registry

TLS must be enabled for certs to work

Certificates should be in PEM (PKCS #8) format

The Controller TLS certificate ("server" cert options) is not part of the authentication process and doesn’t need to be derived from the CA you just generated. This means that you can use certificates supplied by your organization or a 3rd party for TLS/HTTPS

Ensure your signed key is decrypted using openssl rsa

For this guide, we’re running the Controller & Registry locally, so we use Update this depending on where you have things hosted

If you do not have TLS certificates for your Controller & Registry, you can create them now:

openssl genrsa -out anka-controller-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -nodes -sha256 -key anka-controller-key.pem -out anka-controller-csr.pem -subj "/O=$ORGANIZATION/OU=$ORG_UNIT/CN=$CONTROLLER_CN" -reqexts SAN -extensions SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf "[SAN]\nextendedKeyUsage = serverAuth\nsubjectAltName=IP:$CONTROLLER_ADDRESS"))
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in anka-controller-csr.pem -CA anka-ca-crt.pem -CAkey anka-ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out anka-controller-crt.pem -extfile <(echo subjectAltName = IP:$CONTROLLER_ADDRESS)

You can use the same certificate for both the Controller and Registry

Ensure that the certificate has Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption using openssl x509 -text -noout -in ~/anka-controller-crt.pem | grep Signature (

Beginning in Controller version 1.12.0, you can control the allowed TLS Cipher Suites and minimum/maximum TLS versions

Native macOS Controller & Registry package

Edit /usr/local/bin/anka-controllerd in the following manner:

  1. Change LISTEN_ADDRESS=":80" to LISTEN_ADDRESS=":443"

SSL will work on any port you want

  1. Append the following parameters on the end of the $CONTROLLER_BIN line:

    --use-https \
    --server-cert $CERT_FOLDER/anka-controller-crt.pem \
    --server-key $CERT_FOLDER/anka-controller-key.pem
  2. Ensure https is in the registry URL:

    --anka-registry "https://$REGISTRY_ADDRESS:8089" \

The Controller & Registry runs as root. This is why you need to specify the absolute path to the location where you generated the certs.

Linux/Docker Controller & Registry

Within the docker-compose.yml:

  1. Change the anka-controller ports from 80:80 to 443:80. You can keep the anka-registry ports the same.
  2. Under the anka-controller, modify or set ANKA_REGISTRY_ADDR to use https://.
  3. Uncomment the highlighted lines shown below and modify ****EDIT_ME**** to the location you created your certificates in for both anka-controller and anka-registry:
. . .

       context: .
       dockerfile: anka-controller.docker
       - "80:80"
    # To change the port, change the above line: - "CUSTOM_PORT:80"
    ######   EDIT HERE FOR TLS  ########
    # volumes:
      # Path to ssl certificates directory 
      # - ****EDIT_ME****:/mnt/cert
. . .

Now let’s configure the Controller & Registry containers/services to use those certificates. Search for the environment variables USE_HTTPS, SERVER_CERT and SERVER_KEY in docker-compose.yml, uncomment the lines, and then modify the ****EDIT_ME**** with the name of your certificate for both anka-controller and anka-registry:

. . .

       context: .
       dockerfile: anka-controller.docker
       - "443:80"
    # To change the port, change the above line: - "CUSTOM_PORT:80"
    ######   EDIT HERE FOR TLS  ########
      # Path to ssl certificates directory 
      - /home/ubuntu:/mnt/cert
       - etcd
      #  - beanstalk
       - anka-registry
    restart: always
      # Address of anka registry. this address will be passed to your build Nodes

. . .

      ######   EDIT HERE FOR TLS ########

      # Use https, if enabled Controller will use tls for http communication
      # USE_HTTPS:              --use-https   

      # Server certificate pem
      # SERVER_CERT:            --server-cert /mnt/cert/****EDIT_ME**** 
      # Server private key pem
      # SERVER_KEY:             --server-key /mnt/cert/****EDIT_ME****
. . .

Make sure to perform the same changes for the anka-registry container.

Test the Configuration

Start or restart your Controller and test the new TLS configuration using https://. You can also try using curl -v https://$HOST/api/v1/status.

If that doesn’t work, try to repeat the above steps and validate that the file names and paths are correct. If you are still having trouble, debug the system as explained in the Debugging Controller section.

3. Creating self-signed Node Certificates

The Controller’s authentication module uses the Root CA (anka-ca-crt.pem) to authenticate the Node certificates. When the Node sends the requests to the Controller, it will present its certificates. Those certificates will then be validated against the configured CA.

You can use the following openssl commands to create Node certificates using the Root CA:

openssl genrsa -out node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -sha256 -key node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem -out node-$NODE_NAME-csr.pem -subj "/O=$ORGANIZATION/OU=$ORG_UNIT/CN=$NODE_NAME"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in node-$NODE_NAME-csr.pem -CA anka-ca-crt.pem -CAkey anka-ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out node-$NODE_NAME-crt.pem

4. Configuring the Controller & Registry with the CA Root certificate and enable authentication

The CA_CERT is the authority that is used to validate the node certificates you’ll pass in later.

Native macOS Controller & Registry package

Edit the /usr/local/bin/anka-controllerd and add the following onto the end of the $CONTROLLER_BIN line:

--enable-auth \
--ca-cert $CERT_FOLDER/anka-ca-crt.pem \

Linux/Docker Controller & Registry package

Within the docker-compose.yml, search for the environment variables ENABLE_AUTH and CA_CERT. Edit both anka-controller and anka-registry so they look like the configuration below (assuming that a certificate folder is already mounted at /mnt/cert).

. . .

      context: .
      dockerfile: anka-controller.docker
      - "443:80"
   # To change the port, change the above line: - "CUSTOM_PORT:80"
     # Path to ssl certificates directory
     - /home/ubuntu:/mnt/cert
      - etcd
     #  - beanstalk
   restart: always

. . .

     USE_HTTPS:              --use-https  
     # Server certificate pem
     SERVER_CERT:            --server-cert /mnt/cert/anka-controller-crt.pem
     # Server private key pem
     SERVER_KEY:             --server-key /mnt/cert/anka-controller-key.pem
     ENABLE_AUTH:            --enable-auth 
     CA_CERT:                --ca-cert /mnt/cert/anka-ca-crt.pem

. . .

Make sure to perform the same changes for the anka-registry container.

Until you have a Node joined to the Controller, it won’t see your Enterprise license and won’t enable authentication.

If you’re connecting the Anka CLI with the HTTPS Registy, you can use the Node certificates: anka registry --cert /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-crt.pem --key /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem --cacert /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/anka-ca-crt.pem add $REGISTRY_NAME https://$REGISTRY_ADDRESS:8089

5. Joining your Node to the Controller with the Node certificate

Certificates are cached, so if you update/renew them, you need to either: 1. disjoin and re-join them to the controller, issue sudo pkill -9 anka_agent on each node to restart the agent, or issue a <controller>/v1/node/update PUT to the controller API to forcefully update all nodes.

If you’re using a signed certificate for the controller dashboard, but self-signed certificates for your nodes and CI tools, you’ll need to specify the --cacert for ankacluster join and anka registry add commands and point it to the signed CA certificate. You’ll usually see SSLError: ("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",) if the wrong CA is being used.

If you previously joined your Nodes to the Controller, you’ll want to sudo ankacluster disjoin on each before proceeding (if it hangs, use ps aux | grep anka_agent | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 and try disjoin again).

Copy both the Node certificates (node-$NODE_NAME-crt.pem, node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem) and the anka-ca-crt.pem to the Node.

Then, use the ankacluster command to connect it to the Controller in the following manner:

sudo ankacluster join https://$CONTROLLER_ADDRESS --skip-tls-verification --cert /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-crt.pem --cert-key /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem --cacert /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/anka-ca-crt.pem
You should see output similar to the following:
Testing connection to Controller...: OK
Testing connection to registry….: OK
Cluster join success

Testing Controller API Authentication

Restart your Controller & Registry and then test the status endpoint with curl:

curl -v https://$HOST/api/v1/status 

The response you should get is a 401 Authentication Required similar to below:

> GET /api/v1/status HTTP/2
> Host: localhost:80
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS updated)!
< HTTP/2 401 
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 54
< date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 16:58:23 GMT
{"status":"FAIL","message":"Authentication Required"}

If this is the response you get, it means the authentication module is working.

Let’s try to get a response using the Node certificate we created. Execute the same command, but now pass Node certificate and key:

curl -v https://$CONTROLLER_ADDRESS/api/v1/status --cert /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-crt.pem --key /Users/$USER_WHERE_CERTS_ARE/node-$NODE_NAME-key.pem

If everthing is configured correctly, you should see something like this (I used to setup this example):

*   Trying

. . .

> GET /api/v1/status HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 250)!
< HTTP/2 200 
< cache-control: no-store
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 184
< date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 04:26:13 GMT
{"status":"OK","message":"","body":{"status":"Running","version":"1.7.0-4e6617d3","registry_address":"","registry_status":"Running","license":"enterprise plus"}}
* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection 0

6. Final Notes

  • You may notice that the Controller UI doesn’t load or acts strangely. You will need to enable Root Token Authentication to access the controller UI.
  • If you get an invalid cert error from the Controller UI, make sure that you add the root CA you generated to your system keychain.

Managing User/Group Permissions (Authorization)

When creating certificates, you’ll want to specify CSR values using openssl’s -subj option. For example, if we’re going to generate a certificate so our Jenkins instance can access the Controller & Registry, you’ll want to use something like this:

-subj "/O=MyOrgName/OU=$ORG_UNIT/CN=Jenkins"

Required values are O= and CN=

Spaces are supported in O= and Anka Build Cloud Controller version >= 1.10

Within the Controller, we use O= as the permission group name and CN= as the username. The Group Name will be MyOrgName, like we used in the -subj above.

This feature requires Enterprise Plus

Permission groups are configurable from your Controller’s https://<controller address>/admin/ui page.

The permission groups here differ from the groups you assign to nodes within the Controller UI

The Available Permissions list will display all of the permissions we can assign to the group (see below for the full list). These permissions will allow plugins/users (like Jenkins) to communicate with the Controller & Registry:


  • get_groups
  • get_registry_disk_info
  • list_images
  • list_nodes
  • list_vms
  • save_image
  • start_vm
  • terminate_vm
  • update_vm
  • view_logs

Controller Permissions

Permission Description
list_vms gives the user permission to list vms
start_vm gives the user permission to start vm
terminate_vm gives the user permission to terminate vm
get_registry_files gives the user permission to get registry files (logs)
view_logs gives the user permission to view log files in dashboard
get_registry_disk_info gives the user permission to get registry disk info
registry_list gives the user permission to list vms on registry
registry_delete gives the user permission to registry delete
list_nodes gives the user permission to list nodes
delete_node gives the user permission to delete node
change_node_config gives the user permission to change node configuration
Node Groups
create_group gives the user permission to create node groups
get_groups gives the user permission to view node groups
delete_group gives the user permission to delete node groups
update_group gives the user permission to update node groups
add_node_to_group gives the user permission to add a node to a node group
remove_group_from_node gives the user permission to remove a node from node group
Distribute VMs
registry_distribute gives the user permission to distribute vms from registry
registry_distribute_status gives the user permission to view distribution statuses
change_config gives the user permission to change global configuration
get_config gives the user permission to view global configuration
Permissions and groups
view_permissions gives the user permission to view the list of available permissions
view_prmission_groups gives the user permission to view permission groups
update_permission_groups gives the user permission to update permission groups
delete_permission_groups gives the user permission to delete permission groups

Registry Permissions

Permission Description
Information about Registry
index gives the user permission to view the registry index (welcome html file)
get_disk_info gives the user permission to get disk info
List VMs
list_vms gives the user permission to list vms
Push VMs
head_push_vm gives the user permission to “negotiate” a push (understand which files exists on the server and which files need to be sent)
push_vm gives the user permission to push vm and create new vms or tags
Pull VMs
pull_vm gives the user permission to get a pull vm request (list of files needed for download and their paths)
download_vm gives the user permission to download vm files (as given by pull_vm)
Delete VMs
delete_vm gives the user permission to delete a vm
revert gives the user permission to revert vm versions
File Server
upload_file gives the user permission to upload a file
download_file gives the user permission to download a file
Log Server
get_streamer gives the user permission to get an html streamer page (for logs)
stream_log gives the user permission to stream a log file (as given by get_streamer)
get_log_archive gives the user permission to download a log archive (tar.gz)
send_log_event gives the user permission to send log events (only applies specifically to eventLog)
send_log gives the user permission to send a log file row
Permissions and groups
view_permissions gives the user permission to view the list of available permissions
view_prmission_groups gives the user permission to view permission groups
update_permission_groups gives the user permission to update permission groups
delete_permission_groups gives the user permission to delete permission groups