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Build License Tiers

All about the Anka Build Cloud license tiers

Anka License Feature Differences

Feature Develop Flow Build Secure
Run Multiple VMs No Yes Yes Yes
State Snapshot / Suspend VM No Yes Yes Yes
USB Device Support No Yes Yes Yes
Ability to communicate with Anka Build Cloud (Controller & Registry) No Yes Yes Yes
Runs on all macOS hardware models No (Macbook and iMac only) No (Macbook and iMac only) Yes No (Macbook and iMac only)

Anka Build License Tier Datasheet

Feature Basic Enterprise Enterprise Plus
Core based licensing Yes Yes Yes
Cloud Controller with REST APIs Yes(Single instance of Anka controller included) Yes(Single instance of Anka controller included) Yes
Central Registry Yes(Single instance Anka Registry included) Yes Yes
GitHub Action Yes Yes Yes
Jenkins Plugin Yes Yes Yes
TeamCity Plugin Yes Yes Yes
GitLab Runner with custom executor Yes Yes Yes
BuildKite Plugin Yes Yes Yes
HA for Controller configuration setup Yes (Additional controller/registry instances needed) Yes Yes
USB Device control through the CLI Yes Yes Yes
USB Device control through Controller API Yes Yes
Priority scheduling of VMs through controller Yes Yes
Clustering (Grouping) of Nodes Yes Yes
Basic controller authentication (Certificate & Root Superuser Token) Yes Yes
Multi-user & group authorization with admin panel + OpenID/SSO support Yes
Controller API activity logging Yes
VM full disk encryption for Build VMs Yes
Control VM runtime (Networking, Access to host) and functional properties with policies Yes

Enterprise License Features

Node Groups

node groups

This feature allows users to add Anka Virtualization Nodes to groups which can then be used to limit or isolate CI/CD tasks. You can even create fallback groups should the primary group you assign to a Node reach capacity. This is useful when you have multiple projects in your organization and wish to prevent certain projects from using all available VM slots.

Both the Controller UI and API allow creation and control of groups

You can assign a Node to a group in the Controller Nodes UI, API, or even when joining with ankacluster join --groups

Priority Scheduling

When requesting multiple VMs through the API, a priority can be assigned. The lower the priority integer, the higher the urgency:

# Request a VM with the highest priority (default priority is 1000)
curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"vmid": "6b135004-0c89-43bb-b892-74796b8d266c", "count": 2, "priority": 1}'

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [

USB Device Control (Controller API)

USB device control is possible using the Anka Virtualization CLI with a non-Enterprise license. However, this doesn’t allow you to control devices using the Controller API. With an Enterprise or higher license, you can attach one or more devices to your Anka VMs by making an API call:

# Claim a device using the location ID
curl -X POST "http://anka.controller/api/v1/vm" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"vmid": "6b135004-0c89-43bb-b892-74796b8d266c", "count": 2, "usb_device": "336675856"}'

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [

Event logging and automated pushing

You can enable Event Logging to create a log of actions performed in the controller. The logs are saved under:

  • Mac: /Library/Application\ Support/Veertu/Anka/registry/files/central-logs/
  • Docker (registry container): /mnt/vol/files/central-logs

event logging

Logged Events Type
StartVM apiAction
VMStarted systemAction
VMFailedToStart systemAction
TerminateVM apiAction
VMTerminated systemAction
DistributeTemplateToNodes apiAction
TemplatePulled systemAction
DeleteRegistryVm apiAction
ConfigNode apiAction
DeleteNode apiAction
NodeUnregistered systemAction

You can also specify an endpoint that consumes JSON and the controller will push the events.

Basic controller authentication (Certificate & Root Superuser Token)

Authentication support includes Root token authentication access to the Controller Dashboard and certificate authentication for the following clients: Build nodes, plugins, API access, anka command line access to the registry.

Enterprise Plus License Features

Multi-user & group authorization with admin panel + OpenID/SSO support

Multi-user access authentication and authorization based access to Controller portal dashboard and REST API operations is provided through OpenID/SSO based integration.

VM encryption of Build VMs at REST

Encrypt the build VM template at the time of VM creation and store it in the Anka Registry in an encrypted state. When this VM is used to build on the Anka Build nodes, it will be decrypted.

VM Control through Policy

Manage the Build VMs access to local and remote resources through policies. This includes the ability to control VM access to host shared folders, USB, disk access, networking, and external networking.